Very cool design!!
Very cool design!!
Congrats, man!! You deserve it!!
What a fun art style!! Love how animated it is <3
Awesome design and great art style!!
Love your art style, this is so cute!!
Very imposing, the environment plays well into showing off the sheer size of Rayquaza in an excellent way.
yaaaai thaaaaaanks <3 ;u;
Love the painterly style, this environment is so gorgeous. The framing is great, too, and I love your character designs!!
Thanks! Glad you like my stuff <3
Wow!! The character art is gorgeous, but the environment art takes it to the next level!!
Thank you!🤍🌟✨
I've been working on improving my environmental concepts for the last year and a half so I'm glad it's paying off :>
Noooo don't run from Piela, go baaaaack ;A;
The white outline around the character is really an extra nice touch, good work!!
Comic Artist
United States
Joined on 12/10/18