This got a genuine laugh out of me x'D
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This got a genuine laugh out of me x'D
It's an easy enough concept, the game just runs horribly. I play Bannerlord and Skyrim regularly, and neither have made my computer kick it up like this game. I'd try it again at some other time, but it would seriously need to be optimized.
thx for the comment!!
dont know why this happening only on NG
it was just 3 days jam, but still thxxxx
Really cool game, it's just waaaaay too difficult for me, I cannot get past the first few levels ;v; I wish there was level scaling so that I could fully enjoy it, but the work that went into it is great. I also wish combat with a little quicker, because after having to replay like half a dozen times to get more than the first couple levels in, it is a bit frustrating to wait through.
EDIT: Yeah, I tried to play it more, and I still just keep losing before I get rid of even three rows of hearts. It's a really neat game aesthetically, I really wish I could play through more of it, but the fact that there's no difficulty scaling whatsoever has me feeling really left out. I'm still giving it 5 stars because I'm sure that if you're good at the game it'll be really enjoyable, and the designs and everything are so nice, I just feel really bad about constantly losing TTvTT
Good concept, I like it ^^
Really neat design, I love seeing the actual literal inner workings.
Your art style is sooooo aesthetic!!
Cool to see you on Newgrounds!! Throwing some votes on, since I love these comics on Tumblr.
thank you very much!
Comic Artist
United States
Joined on 12/10/18